Writing from Life

Writing from Life groups are:

  • Friendly and supportive rather than competitive
  • We’ve always written on the spot, with nothing to prepare beforehand but, during lockdown people valued having time to write at home, on a topic I suggested or one of their choice. We’ll do a mix of ‘write on the spot’ and ‘write beforehand and read it to us’ at the meetings when we restart this autumn.
  • We aim above all to enjoy our writing and time together and there is always plenty of laughter
  • People to grow in confidence through practice, through listening to and appreciating others’ writing and, in turn, through reading our own work out loud

The Thursday evening group meets at my house in mid-Surrey, 7.45--9.45pm, during the autumn and spring terms only in normal times.   Do email Chris if you are interested in  Writing from Life and for Enjoyment  I may be able to offer a free trial session to anyone genuinely interested or put you on the waiting list if we are full.

Write On

I also lead a Write On group for a limited number of people engaged in ongoing writing projects such as novels.
Each person emails to everyone else an extract of not more than 1500 words from their work in progress a week before we meet,  which is on a week-night evening about once a month. Then we all critique, inform, comment, spur on, add ideas - or whatever will help these writers who are in it for the difficult long-haul.

We are nearly full - but if you are interested, do  email Chris  with details of the kind of book you are writing or wanting to write. As two of the group have moved away from the area but want to continue with us we are running this as a hybrid - some meet face to face and some meet with us via Zoom.


Chris Leonard Writing